Two Men on Trial for Corrective Rape of Lesbian in South Africa
So called “corrective rape” has been endemic in South African townships for many years. The trial of two men accused of raping a lesbian,...

President of UN General Assembly unfit to Preside Amid LGBT Insult
Ugandan Sam Kahamba Kutesa, known as a homophobic and corrupt politician, is now referring to the LGBT community as "frogs" according to...

12 Arrested at Nigerian Party Accused of Gay Wedding
Twelve young men accused of planing a gay wedding have been arrested in the north Nigerian city of Kano, with one young man insisting it...

Holocaust Remembrance Day | The Pink Triangle
Today is International Holocaust Rememberance Day. We remember the six million Jews exterminated by Hitler, as well as the LGBTI people...

David Kato Kisule A Hero Remembered
Rev. Patrick Leuben, Uganda: "Today we remember our hero, David Kato Kisule, a teacher and LGBTI Human Rights Activist for the LGBTI...

Accused Human Rights Group Reopens in Uganda
The Ugandan Refugee Law Project (RLP) which works directly with refugees and asylum seekers in the refugee settlements was suspended on...

President Obama’s SOTU Speech Impacts Persecuted LGBT People around the Globe
The American Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community is thanking President Barack Obama this morning for his historic inclusion...

Gay Palestinian Finds Asylum in Norway
The Times of Israel reports the asylum story of Vito, who, with the help of an Israeli LGBT organization, found refuge in Oslo, the...

Call to Action | LGBTI Support of Nigerians Against Boko Haram
AFRICAN HRC Supports Avaaz Petition Against Boko Haram By Melanie Nathan, January 16, 2014. Avaaz is circulating the linked petition...

Canada to Deport Gay Palestinian Asylum Seeker Because of ties to Hamas
African HRC Staff , January 05, 2015. Times of Israel is reporting that a gay Palestinian asylum-seeker who converted from Islam to...