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African Human Rights Coalition Outraged Condemns Trump's EXECUTIVE ORDER suspending the U.S. Refugee Program


Donald Trump issued an Executive Order suspending the U.S. resettlement program:

"When one slams on the breaks while driving, we expect all vehicles behind to crash into the front vehicle and each other. This Executive Order represents a purposeful massive crash, leaving the most vulnerable, the refugees, laying injured on the side of the road, while he who caused the accident flees the scene"


African Human Rights Coalition condemns the Trump executive Order in the strongest of terms. This leaves an insidious stain on our nation’s history and all we have stood for.


On January 20, 2025, newly inaugurated President Trump signed an executive order that suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) indefinitely, effective January 27, 2025. It directs the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Attorney General, to determine the extent to which states and local authorities may have involvement in resettlement decisions; and directs the Secretary of Homeland Security, with the Secretary of State, to submit a report within 90 days regarding whether the resumption of refugee admissions under the USRAP would be in the interests of the United States.


The Secretaries of State and Homeland Security may jointly determine on a case by case basis if some can be allowed in, as long as such is in national interest and does not pose a threat to the security or welfare of the United States. To African Human rights Coalition asserts that due to the unique nature of all LGBTQI+ cases, tLGBTQI+ refugees, who are all threatened with violence even within protection environments, must be seen as exceptions, not on a case by case basis but as an entire social group. We must demand this status, while still opposing and challenging the Executive Order, in its entirety, for all.


The order also rescinds President Biden’s Executive Order 14013 of February 4, 2021, Rebuilding and Enhancing Programs To Resettle Refugees and Planning for the Impact of Climate Change on Migration.

This news follows President Trump’s plans and accompanying executive orders to undertake a series of anti-refugee, anti-asylum, anti-immigrant actions.


African Human Rights Coalition stands poised and determined to continue its fight for LGBTQI+ refugee pathways and humanitarian support, and we will find ways to challenge and defy this order.

We will turn to Germany, the UK, Canada, and the other countries who have not turned their backs on humanity. We will need access to funding as our unique work will now be further taxed by the pile up this will cause.


Thi unconscionably cruel Executive Order recreates Trump’s first-term refugee ban, ignoring the many court actions of the past. It usurps the bipartisan and life-saving U.S. resettlement program. This does nothing to protect America, as alleged. It is based on bigotry and bias, and has no data to legitimate it. This will decimate the program that has worked appropriately for decades under former administrations, and just like before, it will again take years at great financial cost to reestablish when the MAGA republicans are again defeated.


Our hearts are with all refugees and especially the most vulnerable and marginalized among refugees to include women, children and LGBTQI+ people who have spent so many years suffering in camps and dangerous protection environments. They have followed the rules, passed stringent vetting procedures and are now punished by America. They have wasted all this time under the promise of America . They have lost time to be resettled elsewhere. Those who were momentarily poised for life-saving travel, now only to find their flights cancelled and they are suspended indefinitely, lives onece again endangered and on hold.


This is a massive let down to all, including many countries, agencies and NGO’s worldwide. It will cause the already top-heavy venues and refugee camps to collapse under the weight of America’s failure and its global obligation to keep the pipeline moving. Already there are food shortages. Already LGBTQI+ people are struggling to survive in refugee environments that criminalize and persecute them in the same way as the countries of origin that they fled. As this pipeline closes we will be unable to accommodate new cases of LGBTQI+ people fleeing criminalization and violence. Our shelters are already at capacity.

Our hearts weep for all who held dear the belief that the United States is a global leader in humanitarian protection. These executive orders betray who we are, our American values, where for centuries we have nurtured compassion and welcoming the stranger, and for many of us insults our religious values.  


While driving, when one slams on the breaks, we expect all the vehicles behind to crash into the front vehicle and each other. This represents a purposeful massive crash for refugee admissions, leaving thousands stranded, families separated, all the while we leave the scene of the accident turning our backs on the injured - here on the most vulnerable fleeing violence and persecution, who may now face further loss of freedoms and death sentences.


It is our responsibility as Americans to welcome those most in need, offer refuge, and motivate humanity while decrying inhumanity. Anti-refugee, anti-asylum, and anti-immigrant executive orders underpinned by falsity have no place in a freedom-loving and compassionate democracy, and fail our national interest.


Please join in expressing solidarity with all forcibly displaced populations as we urge our national, state, and local leaders to sustain our nation’s capacity to welcome. Please invoke your moral duty and courage to insist our leaders reflect our values. Speak up against any and all orders, legislation and proposals that harm the lives of refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants, opposing that which offends all that we have stood for over these past centuries.”



Group arrest of Ugandan LGBTQI+ people - for being LGBT some of whom are now refugees in neighboring countries after fleeing.
Group arrest of Ugandan LGBTQI+ people - for being LGBT some of whom are now refugees in neighboring countries after fleeing.

1 Comment

Marc Thompson
Marc Thompson
Jan 22

I wholeheartedly support this article. As someone who has personally been affected by the challenges and dangers that LGBTQI+ refugees face, the suspension of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program is devastating. This action puts countless lives at risk and leaves the most vulnerable stranded in perilous situations. It is crucial for us to stand together and advocate for the rights and safety of all refugees, particularly those who are marginalized and at high risk. We must continue to fight for humanitarian support and pathways for resettlement to ensure a safe and just future for everyone.

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