This applies to LGBTQI+ refugees in in Kenya, South Sudan, Burundi, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, Senegal.
The Trump Executive Orders have halted the US Refugee Admissions Program. Just as in 2016 there is pushback and legal remedies available that are being deployed.
In 2016 when Trump closed the borders African Human Rights Coalition provided advocacy, legal resources and various forms of assistance to LGBTQI+ refugees who were part of the USRAP process, some already literally on their way to airports when Trump shut it down.
In this current situation, we are inviting people who are already in the USRAP program, that would include those who have had interviews in the U.S. Embassy to contact us by sending an email to
Your information will be kept private and you will be included when we have new information as to the next proactive steps your can take, as well as updates, that may not be made public. You will also be vetted for possible advocacy, depending on the legal steps and your individual process, moving forward, including possible a waiver program for the most vulnerable refugees.
Contact: AHRC.
