Police Raid Party and Arrest 57 Suspected Gays in Nigeria
It was ONLY a PARTY! To Call it anything else and to make arrests pursuant to lies is pure persecution! Nigerian police reportedly...

Statement from African HRC on U.S. President Donald Trump's Dangerous South Africa Tweet
Statement from Melanie Nathan for African Human Rights Coalition Regarding Donald J. Trump's Tweet to Secretary Pompeo pursuant to an...

On the Passing of Kofi Annan
Kofi Annan, the former United Nations secretary-general and Nobel peace prize winner, died yesterday (Aug. 18) in Switzerland after a...

New U.S. Asylum Guidance Attempts to Undermine Access to Protection
New Guidance Attempts to Undermine Access to Refugee Protection San Francisco, CA (July 12, 2018) – Yesterday U.S. Citizenship and...

African HRC: Supreme Court Ruling on Muslim Travel Ban Will Reflect Shamefully in History
African Human Rights Coalition Statement on SCOTUS Muslim Ban Ruling: The Supreme Court’s decision this morning in Trump v. Hawaii...

The Amsterdam Dress Comes to San Francisco Pride
San Francisco Pride, a melding of parade, resistance and celebration will take place this weekend, as the San Francisco LGBTI...

USA to Withdraw From United Nations Human Rights Council.
Nikki Haley, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, announced the Trump Administration's withdrawal of the United States from the United...

African HRC Joins in the Call to Ice to Release all Transgender Detainees
How did a Honduran asylum-seeker die of pneumonia, dehydration and complications associated with HIV? All while in ICE detention. ICE...

African HRC Condemns Trump Cruel Separation of Families Supporting the National Day of Action for Ch
African Human Rights Coalition condemns the Trump administration assault on immigrants and asylum seekers: The Trump Administration has...

Appeal for Support in Case of Gay Asylum Seeker
Dear Friends, In addition to humanitarian and advocacy work, African HRC has been providing pro bono Country Conditions Reports and...