The Motion before Parliament States: "NOTING THAT the existing law is provided for in the Penal Code Act, does not adequately address this creeping evil"
According to The Order Papers of Feb 28, 2023, the Agenda of Uganda’s Parliament and the Speaker of Parliament, Ms Anita Among, a Motion for legislation targeting further criminalization of Uganda's LGBTQI+ community is currently being tabled before Parliament, that in effect seeks to reintroduce some form of the old Anti-Homosexuality Bill, known as The Kill The Gays Bill, that was voided by the Ugandan Court in 2014.

This proposed Bill is based on the 2014 KILL THE GAYS BILL, with the new BILL headed through Draft of Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2022. See below.
According to the Ugandan Monitor: “In the remarks made at the tail-end of the joint ecumenical thanksgiving service at Parliament Tuesday morning, Speaker Among stated that the law is intended to tackle the escalating moral decadence tainting Uganda’s image."
In an oddly confusing and contradictory remark Among notes: "We want to appreciate our promotors of homosexuality for the social economic development they have brought to the country but we do not appreciate the fact that they are killing morals.”

Apparently the motion, to forward a Private Member Bill, thus requiring a quorum, is led by the Bugiri Municipality MP Mr Asuman Basalirwa who will use the KILL THE GAYS BILL (2014), of David Bahati fame, - the previously passed anti-homosexuality law that was repealed by the Constitutional Court in 2014 for lack of a quorum. However the MOTION CLEARLY INDICATES all involved.
Today I pulled this off the ORDER PAPERS and RESOLUTION.

There has been country-wide and government persecution, to include attacks and threats against NGO’s and Safe Shelters, all due to false spread of lies by people in power such as Janet Museveni, wife of the 33 year dictator Yoweri Museveni, who is clearly intent on higher political aspirations. (More can be read via articles mentioned below.)
The LGBTI community in Uganda has been used as pawns and ping pong balls for years to garnish popularity for politicians. This is an orchestrated symbiotic relationship between religious extremists and politicians, The Churches pump up the populace to hate homosexuals, and the popularity of anti-homosexuality is then used as a tool to elevate politicians into power.

These lies championed by religious leaders of all walks of life and a section of politicians, include touting the ridiculous notion of an alleged “growing homosexuality tendencies in the country,”
President Museveni last week said Uganda will not embrace homosexuality and the West should stop seeking to impose its views to compel dissenting countries to “normalise” what he called “deviations”.
Notably the Motion uses languages such as "NOTING THAT the existing law is provided for in the Penal Code Act, does not adequately address this creeping evil" - It is this very language that licenses the Ugandan populace and even families to commit cruel violence against the LGBTI community, who they genuinely believe to be abominations and satanic, and leads to forced displacement, adding to the numbers of refugees and asylum seekers.
More Articles in recent days contributing to this heightened anti-LGBTI climate.