In a fiery debate today, Ugandan Parliamentarians with a huge - at least 99% majority passed the Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2023 - and it now moves on to President Museveni for his assent.
In the picture, Parliamentarians STAND as a "YAH" to pass the onerous ANTI-HOMOSEXUALITY ACT, with complex amendments, clearly unconstitutional and contrary to the Universal declaration of Human Rights. Taken in real time.
What now remains is for the Bill to be signed by the President into law.
The Committee made substantial changes to the Bill, but what is notable is removing 'touching with the intent to commit homosexuality' and holding out as an LGBTQ person as parts of the definition of homosexuality. They also removed the 'homosexual panic' defense, which allowed 'victims' to commit any crime while protecting themselves against homosexuality. They then added new provisions including child grooming, rehabilitation of homosexuals, punishment of child homosexuality, disqualification from employment, and disclosure of sexual offences record. They also added a provision to repeal section 145 of the Penal Code, which is the existing law that criminalises 'carnal knowledge against the order of nature.'
A full analysis of the Bill as passed will be shared soon.
For next steps, under Article 91(3) of the Constitution, the President has 30 days from when the Bill is presented before him to either to sign it or send it back to Parliament with comments or write to the Speaker refusing to sign. Parliament can then pass the Bill again and send it to the President again. If the President sends the Bill back for the third time, then Parliament can pass the Bill into law with two thirds majority. Now is the time to speak out, as I think Museveni may be a little more measured when it comes to the consequences against Uganda. OUTING UGANDAN PARLIAMENTARIANS as HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSERS, complicit in violence and forced displacement of Uganda's LGBTI community - - Click Here - See names. All these names will be forwarded for banning of entry to the United States under our New VISA legislation that outlaws people who participate in Human rights abuses.
