By Melanie Nathan, March 13, 2024.
Please find the HRAPF February 2024 report of violence and violations at the link below.
"Although the report shows an increase in the number of cases handled in February compared with those handled in January 2024, the number of cases involving actions that deliberately targeted persons for negative treatment based on their real or presumed SOGIE remained the same at 59 cases.
However, it is important to note that when a nine months period from June 2023 to February 2024 is compared with the same period from June 2022 to February 2023, there is an overwhelming increase of 302.6% in the number of cases involving actions of active homophobia. This demonstrates that the AHA 2023 has had a significant impact on escalating actions that deliberately target persons for negative treatment based on their real or presumed SOGIE. "
Read the full report here HERE BELOW
It is my opinion that this 300% number, while important is a tip of the iceberg. It must be remembered that many cases are reported to African Human Rights Coalition (AHRC) where the survivor of the violent or discriminatory event informs us that due to fear they have not reported their event to any Ugandan authority or organization to include HRAPF. We also bear in mind that a decent number of cases reported to AHRC are fraudulent and opportunistic attempts to scam money. A large number of cases have not passed our vetting process. It is sad that people scam because it hurts the entire milieu for genuine cases. The Ugandan government has purposefully created an environment where people do not feel safe, even among known human rights groups.
The Ugandan Anti Homosexuality Act was mad law in July 2023, and has resulted in the forced displacement of Uganda's LGBT community, with many fleeing across border seeking shelter and protection. Solutions are few as many African countries are refusing registration and refugee services, causing limbo with no place to go. There is little to no funding available to support the victims of this humanitarian crisis.

Melanie Nathan, ED of AHRC is a Country Conditions Expert witness in the U.S. and Global Curts for LGBTQI+ asylum seekers from Uganda, Ghana, Angola, Senegal and other African Countries.
