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By Melanie Nathan, April 18, 2024

A Ghanaian man marched in the streets of Ghana, flanked by a police officer, in a powerful courageous one-man protest against one of the harshest anti-LGBTQI laws on the planet, let alone the African continent.

The man, reportedly Mr. Texas Kadir Moro took a stand against the new legislation that passed the Ghanaian Parliament this year, the Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanian Family Values Act 2024, which is currently pending the President's signature and constitutional challenge in Ghana's Court.

Moro bravely held the one-man protest, advocating against the law which seeks to imprison LGBTQ+ people based on their identities as "holding out" to be LGBTQAA+ , allies, journalists and anyone advocating for LGBTQ rights. Moro crafted and held powerful placards while delivering a speech quoting from the Bible and Quran. Moro highlighted the hypocrisy of religious extremists who pushed for the passage of the Bill into law.

Starting at Obra Spot in Kwame Nkrumah Circle, Accra, Moro marched through the city streets, ending his protest at Independence Square where he addressed the media.

He emphasized that while religious texts condemn fornication and adultery as sins, most non-lGBTQI+ individuals engaging in these acts are not subjected to jail terms, hence questioning why the same equal treatment is not given to LGBTQ individuals.

Despite the contentious nature of his protest, Moro received police protection to ensure his safety and a smooth traffic flow. He announced plans for further demonstrations in Kumasi on April 30 and a massive one in Accra on June 4, 2024.

Moro also appealed to President Akufo-Addo to consider amendments to the bill before assenting, urging for fair treatment and rights for all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation. That does not help with regard to the identity aspect of the criminalization of same-sex attracted, trans or non-binary people.

It is clear that he does not assert the need to void the entire Bill - to do so is extremely unpopular and unsafe in Ghana. The law is supported by a vast majority of Ghanaians, although several academics, politicians and professionals have spoken out against the law. Moro does draw attention to its failed constitutionality, at least based on the idea that the law does not apply equally to all when it comes to sex acts.

However what is horrific and insidious about this new law, when and if it is made law through attestation and/or passing the court challenge, is that people who are LGBTQI+ can be jailed for years simply because they identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or an ally. The country conditions right now is extremely dangerous for LGBTQI people and the courage of this man as well as police protection, should not be interpreted to read as if gay people are safe or provided protection, justice or due process in Ghana. In fact the reality for gays in Ghana, reflects the opposite. Police generally see LGBTI+ people as perpetrators to a crime even when they are the victim in a given incident. This coupled with police corruption (especially when news media is not around to record) makes Ghana a very dangerous place for LGBTI people in general. The world has expressed outrage at the Family Values Bill and are waiting to see the court outcome and whether the President will attest to the law or not.

NOTE; When and if this law is confirmed, this very action, which evidences that Moro holds himself out as an ally, (we do not know if he identifies as LGBT) can get jail time for several years in prison. Because it is an identity law, I submit that Mr. Moro has endangered himself because the retroactive "holding out" could be used as evidence against him, when and if the law is fully enforceable after attestation and if upheld by the Courts, albeit in the future.

  Stay tuned. THE VIDEO:

By Melanie Nathan, Country Conditions expert witness for LGBT asylum seekers in the United States and globally.


CONTACT: Melanie Nathan,

Melanie Nathan, Executive Director of African Human Rights Coalition is a qualified country of origin expert witness in the United States and global immigration courts, providing expert written country conditions  reports and testimony for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, non-binary, LGBTQI + asylum seekers from African Countries, to include activists, allies and human rights defenders.

Melanie also consults multinational corporations regarding briefings and policy for operations and issue impacted by anti-homosexuality laws and country conditions. HERE

Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea-Conakry, Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast, Ghana,  Kenya, Niger, Nigeria, Malawi, Mauritania, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo, Tanzania, The Gambia,  South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe


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