By Melanie Nathan, Nov 20, 2024
November 20, is the Transgender Day of Remembrance - AHRC memorializes an exceptional women, Naiomi, in honoring all memories of trans people this remembrance day..
Today African Human rights Coalition is paying tribute to Naomi, a Zimbabwean woman who championed the struggle for LGBTI rights. She came out at a time when there was very little to no information on transgender people. Born 4th in a family of 8, Naomi never shied away from controversy.
Naomi fought for inclusion and acceptance for all women. As a trans woman, she was a victim of violence in public spaces owing to her gender identity. Although society shunned her nothing stopped her tenacious fight for LGBT awareness, rights and freedoms.
As a HIV/Aids activist, she was instrumental in facilitating the first and only grant from the National Aids levy through the Zimbabwe Network of People living with HIV.
She organized a successful Zimbabwe National Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS (ZNNP+) National Congress in 1999 that was held in Masvingo. This congress also courted controversy because of her involvement. She did not despair, she was a fighter and a winner.
In 2000 she organized an All Africa exchange program for a local organization, bringing together a number of LGBTI activists from Africa to Zimbabwe.
2001 She co-ordinated the organizational counseling team of about 25 LGBT counselors for GALZ. During the same year she was appointed safer sex coordinator, responsible for organizing a very successful safe sex program for GALZ members, which was later transformed to for use by the health department.
She was elected vice chairperson on the GALZ Executive Committee three times. She later became involved in the Community Enterprise Development Against Stigma Trust (CEDAS), a trust founded by people passionate about the injustice and discrimination based on their own life experiences.
She started and led the GALZ buy a brick campaign, a campaign to raise money to buy the present day GALZ offices in Harare. Her efforts contributed significant amount towards the purchase of the GALZ house. She became a performer extraordinaire at GALZ events, a regular supporter and organizer of the Jacaranda Queen Pageant, twice runner up and Queen in 1998.
She organized and performed at the 2005 Jacaranda Queen show held at Harry Margolis Hall which became her last show.
Naiomi died 15 February 2006.