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Responding to Tragic Death of Ugandan LGBTI Refugee

African Human Rights Coalition is deeply saddened to hear of the tragic passing today of Ugandan national, and refugee Aneste Mweru, age 27. We extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to all of those who knew and loved Aneste.

May he rest in peace and his memory be a blessing.

UNHCR has advised that the Kenyan police have initiated an investigation into the events leading to this tragic incident. UNHCR has assured that they will closely follow this ongoing police investigation and will provide further information as it becomes available.

Mr Mweru sought asylum in Kenya in January 2017, and his refugee status was recognised by Kenyan authorities in March 2019.

In this moment of terrible sorrow, we ask all who are aware of this tragic event, wherever you may be in the world, to respect the basic dignity of the deceased, and those who survive him, by desisting from circulating pictures taken at the scene of his death today, as well as any speculative, unconfirmed information which may further exacerbate existing tensions. This is a particularly important request to you in the present context in Kenya, and globally. We urge all refugees to follow the Kenyan COVID-19 Pandemic related Laws, Advisories, Guidelines and Rules.

Note: While we encourage appropriate donations, when people request money on behalf of the deceased for funeral or related expenses, please proceed with caution as we are aware some individuals are using this tragedy opportunistically:

Please note:

If your feeling sad, depressed or in anyway impacted by this tragedy, please reach out for help and always remember to include SUICIDE prevention information for people who may need it -

We will be updating country relevant numbers as we receive them. USA SUICIDE PREVENTION: 1-800-273-8255 Trevor Project USA: 1-866-488-7386. Kenya Helpline:

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