Friends family and community are exceedingly worried - they have not heard directly from Oros!
Sakhile Oros Msibi known to always display his famous hashtag #TeamThis is an openly Gay socialite from Swaziland who has not been his usual visible vocal self for many months and community, family, friends are concerned.
Friends and fans believe that the Swazi Government are concerned about his disappearance, convinced that he has been murdered. African Human Rights Coalition reached out directly to Mr. Msibi but he has not responded. We are asking for him to come forward to report being safe, and even if he is purposely in hiding, we will maintain his confidentiality and privacy and completely follow his direction as how to handle this situation. We also guarantee anonymity and/or confidentiality to anyone who can provide us with further information in this regard. PLEASE CONTACT NATHAN at - or #eSWATINI #SWAZILAND #TeamThis #findOROS
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