Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Dumped by Donald Trump
The African Human Rights Coalition stands today in solidarity with DREAMERS. The determination by the Trump Administration to end the DACA program for over 800,000 dreamers is cruel and unconscionable. What makes this particularly insidious is Donald Trump’s failure to stand in front of his action by taking leadership on the issue to call upon the United States Congress to swiftly pass legislation that affirms DACA, with a promise to sign such into law. This is indicative of the fact that his intention is to kill the program completely. The purported basis for the withdrawal of DACA makes no sense, as its lopsided justification relies on unsubstantiated assertions, blatant lies, unproductive punitive motives, and it fails to take any cognizance of DACA’s overwhelming positive impact and success. We at African Human Rights Coalition are concerned, not only because we believe the human rights of so many young people and their families have been so horrifically impinged upon, but also we fear, that if unchecked, this sets the tone for the continued tyranny and cruelty which impacts us all, especially those in the severely marginalized communities within the immigration community and beyond.
We are calling on all to please express your outrage swiftly, consistently and peacefully and to also implore upon your representatives in Congress to work to right this insidious wrong.
Melanie Nathan
ACTIONS IN SAN FRANCISCO: Hello to the SF Queer Resistance Team! Please bring signs that show support for DACA by the Queer community in SF. This is a grassroots, all volunteer team effort to show a visible queer presence at the event. We are going to meet between the bus stop and the flag pole on Mission street near 7th and Mission. We need to show the world that the LGBT community in SF supports the Dreamers and that if they come for one of us, they come for all of us. #DefendDACA #WeGotThis #ActUp #FightBack #AlwaysAntifascist