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African Human Rights Coalition to Open South African Office

AHRC Announcement, June 15, 2015.:

The African Human Rights Coalition (AHRCR) is pleased to announce the opening of an office and leading chapter in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The co-founding directors include Melanie Nathan, Executive Director of AHRC, based in San Francisco, U.S.A., Dr. Coenie Louw, based in Pretoria, South Africa, and other renowned LGBTI activists as founding co-directors, soon to be announced.

The work of AHRC, South Africa, will involve direct services for LGBTI people, to include asylum seekers and refugees, as well as partnerships in the arena of LGBTI advocacy, related litigation, and a partnership with Gateway Health Institute, working toward equitable access to healthcare for all people and a society free from stigma and discrimination.

The advocacy partner joining the coalition will be included in a separate official launch announcement soon.

If your organization is interested in associating with the coalition or if you would like to inquire about individual membership, please contact

*** Gateway Health Institute - Founded by Dr Coenie Louw, Gateway Health Institute (GHI) focus on pressing global health and development issues. This includes HIV/AIDS, child and maternal health and nutrition. GHI is involved in education, research, mHealth development as well as various programs aimed at vulnerable and hard to reach populations such as people who use drugs. As a partner organization of the African Human Rights Coalition, GHI works toward equitable access to healthcare for all people and a society free from stigma and discrimination. (

Dr. Coenie Louw, newly announced as a winner of the Grand Challenges Explorations, an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, obtained a MBChB degree from the University of Pretoria (1991) and a Postgraduate Diploma in HIV Management from the Colleges of Medicine South Africa (2014). He holds numerous certifications in Public Health, Program Development, Monitoring and Evaluation, HIV and TB management, Male Sexual Health and Child Health. He is currently working on completing his Research based Masters Degree in Medicine on the topic: “ The impact and cost effectiveness of mHealth interventions and tools in the fight against the HIV pandemic in LMICs – focusing on South Africa”.

African Human Rights Coalition: AHRC ties together agencies, organizations, and individuals, from around the world to provide advocacy and direct relief to persecuted LGBTI people in Africa, including asylum seekers and refugees.

AHRC works with many partners in Africa, to provide direct services to LGBT people in crisis, by direct case management and linking individuals and organizations to support services, both in Africa and abroad. AHRC maintains an Ambassador Program in several African countries, and helps support the privacy of organizations, which are unable to operate openly due to government criminalization. (

Melanie Nathan obtained B.A. LL B degrees in law at The University of the Witwatersrand South Africa. She practiced as an attorney during the Apartheid years, before immigrating to the U.S.A in 1985. She is Executive Director of African HRC based in San Francisco California and the founding director of Private Courts International. She directs The Peacemaker Museum World Tour, has served as a Commissioner on the Marin Human Rights Commission and as VP of Fair Housing Marin. She is known for her global advocacy work impacting LGBT equality, homophobia, asylum seekers and refugees. She was keynote speaker at Cape Town Pride 2011, and honored by the San Francisco Pride Board for her global advocacy work by being appointed a Community Grand Marshal for San Francisco Pride 2014. (

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