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IDAHOT Message from African HRC

African Human Rights Coalition on International Day Against Transphobia and Homophobia, IDAHOT

Today, May 17th is the day millions of people around the world commemorate IDAHOT, a special day, to raise awareness and commit further to impact the right to liberty, equality, justice and happiness for LGBTI people around the globe. However violence and discrimination still plagues LGBTI people around the world. Today at African HRC we are imploring upon all people around the world, especially those in leadership positions such as presidents, parliamentarians and religious leaders, those promoting violence and discrimination through state sanctioned homophobia and transphobia, to immediately act to stop the ferocious injustice against gays, lesbians, bisexual, transgender and intersex people.

African HRC is currently working with several hundred members of the LGBTI community in Africa who are in hiding, seeking shelter, all trying to escape such persecution and violence. We are one of the few international organizations providing direct assistance to individuals seeking safe-shelter and in extreme cases, exile.

This past week we received a record number of pleas for help.

Quotes -( note we did not correct spelling): Liberian: "Of recent all the religious leaders said Ebola came into our country because God is angry on homosexuality."

Cameroonian: "I have been scared to go to a gay association after the assacination of my friend in Yaounde. Am really afraid and so much scared."

Ugandan refugee in Kenya: ""I have lost all my dignity. I do not feel like I am a human being. I have lost my home, my job, my family and my country, which I always loved."

Gambian: "I am in Senegal for refugee but UNHCR is not helping us here"

Ugandan Lesbian Refugee: "Greetings madam nathan I dnt know how am going to get thruogh all this now I had to use my clothes as sanitary towels for this month,I dnt know if anyone can understand what am going through right now,should I give up though I fear death but I dnt see any way out madam nathan this is not ok at all,please help me."

Trans Refugee: "I just dont know mum,am just stranded,i sleep empty stomach.alot of threats in the community i feel i hate my self now."

CALL TO ACTION: Please support us by donating to our tax deductible fund here: DONATE and/or spread the word!


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