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UK Photojournalist Dies in Uganda

It is with deep sadness that we report the death in Uganda of accomplished British photojournalist Rebecca Vassie.

Also known as Becky, Vassie covered Ugandan Pride events which can be seen on her website at

According to reports in the Ugandan press Vassie, 30, died early Tuesday while being rushed by ambulance to Kampala for treatment after she had an allergic reaction to food containing nuts. At the time of the incident, Vassie had been on assignment with an NGO in Hoima and had planned to be there for about a week. She worked for a number of organizations, including The Associated Press, and was the training co-ordinator oandaf the Foreign Correspondents’ Association of Uganda.

Vassie’s parents live in Spain, She was a trained photographer from the United Kingdom, who reported on diverse subjects.

Vassie often published her a variety of social media platforms, including her personal blog, including photographs of ex-rebel fighters from the Democratic Republic of Congo at the grounds of the Nkoma Sub-county headquarters surrounded by Ugandan security forces in western Uganda.

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