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Articles on: Pride, Asylum, Refugees, Zambia, Jail, Kakuma, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Poetry from Hell.. mor

What follows are links to the articles written by Melanie Nathan, Executive Director of African HRC on her Advocacy BLOG - www.OBLOGDEE.BLOG - for October and November 2019:

Decriminalized Botswana Holds Inaugural Pride in Gabarone

December 1, 2019

Hey World- check this out – PRIDE in Botswana is now OUT in the open and does not mean a Safari or a Pride of Lions! Welcome to Gaborone Pride in Botswana. In the wake of this years’ historic decriminalization of homosexuality, Botswana’s gay community held its inaugural Pride in Gabarone. Here are the pictures … More Decriminalized Botswana Holds Inaugural Pride in Gabarone - read MORE

History Made as Transgender Woman Awarded Damages by Zimbabwe High Court

December 1, 2019

The High Court in Bulawayo in a groundbreaking judgment, awarded damages against Zimbabwean police in favor of a transgender woman. Honorable Justice Bere awarded Ricky Nathanson, a transgender woman and activist $400,000 in damages for unlawful arrest, malicious prosecution and emotional distress. Ms. Nathanson sued Zimbabwe police in 2014, after she was arrested by six riot … More History Made as Transgender Woman Awarded Damages by Zimbabwe High Court - read MORE

World AIDS Day Reminds Criminalization of Sexuality Impedes Eradication of HIV AIDS

December 1, 2019

On this World AIDS Day we are reminded that it has been almost 40 years since the HIV epidemic hit, taking the lives of so many of our loved ones. While much progress has been made and AIDS is no longer an absolute death sentence, there is still so much more to be done, as … More World AIDS Day Reminds Criminalization of Sexuality Impedes Eradication of HIV AIDS - read MORE

Zambia Jails Gays for 15 Years and US Ambassador Calls Out Hypocrisy

December 1, 2019

TWO men who were caught having sex at a lodge in Kapiri Mposhi in 2017 have been sentenced by the High Court in Lusaka, Zambia to 15 years imprisonment. Japhet Chataba, 28, a carpenter of Ndeke Township, and Steven Samba, of Kasenshi in Kapiri Mposhi. The Judge ruled that the men had committed an “act against … More Zambia Jails Gays for 15 Years and US Ambassador Calls Out Hypocrisy - read MORE

Traumatized LGBTQI Asylum Seekers Need Ongoing Mental Health Services

December 1, 2019

Below is a Go Fund Me plea which I put up today for one gay asylum seeker. I am posting this here also to draw attention to the issue of ongoing psychological trauma for those who have suffered and witnessed severe violence. The grant of asylum and refugee resettlement is not where it ends. With … More Traumatized LGBTQI Asylum Seekers Need Ongoing Mental Health Services - read MORE

Kakuma Crisis Gay Arrests Proves Kenya Hostile Host for LGBTI Refugees

December 1, 2019

In The Words of LGBTQI Refugees The words and pictures of LGBTI refugees stranded outside UNHCR Camp Kakuma in Kenya speak for themselves. We are seeking updates from UNHCR and RAS (Refugee Affairs Secretariat of Kenya). ARRIVAL… November 03 One is that all new LGBTI refugees who report to the UNHCR-KENYA are given movement passes … More Kakuma Crisis Gay Arrests Proves Kenya Hostile Host for LGBTI Refugees - read MORE

Poetry From Hell Part 4: Kakuma Pain Zombies and Craving

November 28, 2019

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States of America. I decided I could not celebrate. Notwithstanding sitting in privilege – no thanks to THANKS helmed by a food mounded table. Not while my LGBTQI family is starving, unsheltered, violently pelted with words intended to shame, beaten, robbed, suffering cruel uncertainty. Again I couch my sadness … More Poetry From Hell Part 4: Kakuma Pain Zombies and Craving - read MORE

I am Fasting to Protest America Turning its Back on LGBTI Refugees who are Starving This Thanksgiving

November 27, 2019

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” – “I am fasting each Thanksgiving until America is restored to its values – where we welcome, shelter and protect refugees and asylum seekers with full robust and fast flowing open routes, where immigrants are treated with the absolute dignity and … More I am Fasting to Protest America Turning its Back on LGBTI Refugees who are Starving This Thanksgiving - read MORE

Hand in Hand the most Courageous People on the Planet

November 26, 2019

LGBTQI Asylum Seekers and Refugees – At Thanksgiving, we are grateful for the honor to work hand in hand with some of the most courageous people on the Planet- Dear Friends, THANK YOU – Let us talk gratitude! Thank you for your ongoing support of African Human Rights Coalition: At African HRC we provide humanitarian services, resources, … More Hand in Hand the most Courageous People on the Planet -read MORE

Refugee Agencies Sue Trump Over Executive Order

November 21, 2019

Today HIAS, Church World Service (CWS), and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS), took Donald Trump to court over his recent executive order giving state and local officials authority to block refugee resettlement in their jurisdictions. These agencies are suing the administration because it is attempting to enact a state-by-state, city-by-city refugee ban. “It was not … More Refugee Agencies Sue Trump Over Executive Order - read MORE

Poetry From Hell Part 3: Dear homophobia, Who chooses death?

November 21, 2019

In this series of Poetry from Hell, I usually post as soon as I receive KA’s e-mail. KA is an LGBTI refugee in Kenya. As can be seen from Part 1 and Part 2, I couch these posts in the context of my own activity in the moment of posting. This serves as reminder to … More Poetry From Hell Part 3: Dear homophobia, Who chooses death? - read MORE

Urging Congress to Support the Refugee Protection Act of 2019

November 21, 2019

The Refugee Protection Act (RPA) of 2019, led by Senator Patrick Leahy and Representative Zoe Lofgren and cosponsored by more than two dozen members of Congress seeks to restore justice to the U.S. asylum and refugee resettlement systems and revive our country’s founding commitment to offer safe haven for those fleeing persecution. Congress must support … More Urging Congress to Support the Refugee Protection Act of 2019 - read MORE

BBC Video Depicting Brutality Against LGBTI Refugees by Hostile Host Kenya

November 20, 2019

CALLS FOR URGENT RESETTLEMENT OF ALL LGBTQI REFUGEES: Since 2014, I have been writing about the refugee situation in Kenya, here on OblogdeeOblogda and at’s news site. I have written about and advocated for LGBTQI refugees and asylum seekers, with a focus on UNHCR resettlement and the general conditions for LGBTQI refugees at the … More BBC Video Depicting Brutality Against LGBTI Refugees by Hostile Host Kenya - read MORE

Poetry from Hell Part 2: The Pain of Neglected LGBTI Kakuma Refugees

November 15, 2019

The words of a refugee suffering and bearing witness …. As I sit at my desk, with the Trump Impeachment hearings audible in the background, and Ambassador Yovanovitch, former U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine, provides her poignant and moving testimony, I reflect on how the incompetent, crooked, corrupt, and maliciously xenophobic American who should NOT … More Poetry from Hell Part 2: The Pain of Neglected LGBTI Kakuma Refugees - read MORE

Uganda Ramps up its War on Gays

November 13, 2019

“HELP they are taking us,” the real time call from RAM BAR in Uganda heard here in Marin County, California and the World should know Uganda Government is orchestrating the hunting of Gays …. In the early morning hours of Nov 11 a popular bar in Kampala, RAM BAR known to be frequented by LGBTQI community … More Uganda Ramps up its War on Gays - read MORE

Kenyan President Demonizes Gays Again

November 9, 2019

In Climate of Escalating Antagonism by Kenyan Authorities toward LGBTI refugees Following the recent endorsement by Kenya’s High Court where it refused to decriminalize Penal Codes criminalizing homosexuality, it is not surprising that President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya has yet again demonized Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) community by declaring homosexuality as unacceptable to Kenyan … More Kenyan President Demonizes Gays Again - read MORE

The Poetic Pain of Hell Part 1: By an LGBTQI Refugee

November 5, 2019

So much pain reflected in the words of one LGBTQI refugee – and its speaks to the thousands who now seeking protection… Constantly escaping and escaping hate only to face hell Just this weekend I was honored to give a speech at the event hosted by Jill and Michael at Jillie’s Wine Bar and Shop … More The Poetic Pain of Hell Part 1: By an LGBTQI Refugee - read MORE

Ugandan Police Arrest Victims of Mob Attack and Force Anal Exams

October 23, 2019

“When you live in a homophobic country its is impossible to report even a violent crime perpetrated against you because you will be the one who is arrested!” Ugandan Gay Man A day ago Let’s Walk Uganda (LWU), a local LGBTQI support group was attacked by a screaming mob at the organization’s headquarters. Although a prominent … More Ugandan Police Arrest Victims of Mob Attack and Force Anal Exams - read MORE

Ugandan Mob Attacks NGO Amidst Increasing Violence against the LGBTI Community

October 21, 2019

Police arrest the Human Rights Victims Instead of the Mob Perpetrators Tonight at African HRC we received a message that Let’s Walk Uganda (LWU), a local LGBTQI support group was under attack by a mob, screaming outside their offices. Another prominent human rights organization HRAPF was immediately called in to push for police protection. Seventeen … More Ugandan Mob Attacks NGO Amidst Increasing Violence against the LGBTI Community - read MORE

Under Threat of WE WILL KILL YOU ALL Another LGBTI Person Beaten in Uganda

October 20, 2019

We have received a report from Uganda that another member of the LGBTI community has been brutally beaten with a threat “we will kill you all.” The number of beatings and murders of gay people in Uganda has been on the rise since recent hateful rhetoric delivered by Ugandan Government officials, including the threat to … More Under Threat of WE WILL KILL YOU ALL Another LGBTI Person Beaten in Uganda - read MORE

U.S. States, UNHCR, CGRS Call on the Ninth Circuit to Block Asylum Ban 2.0

October 18, 2019

…… Trump delivering refugees into the hands of their persecutors…. San Francisco, CA – Earlier this week, the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (CGRS) filed an amicus brief in East Bay Sanctuary Covenant v. Barr, the lawsuit challenging the Trump Administration’s most far-reaching attempt to slam the door on asylum seekers, the third country asylum rule. Dubbed “asylum ban 2.0” by advocates, … More U.S. States, UNHCR, CGRS Call on the Ninth Circuit to Block Asylum Ban 2.0 - read MORE

Transgender Refugees Raided in Shelter Instead of Protected by Hostile Kenyan Police

October 18, 2019

Two days ago a supposed safe house sheltering transgender refugees near Nairobi Kenya (actual place purposely not mentioned for security reasons) was raided by the Kenyan police after complaints by local residents (host community) asserting that it was ‘inhabited by transgender people who were apparently in danger of corrupting the morals of the neighborhood’s husbands … More Transgender Refugees Raided in Shelter Instead of Protected by Hostile Kenyan Police - read MORE

Uganda Wants to kill the Gays Again

October 10, 2019

The old Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2014, known as “The Kill the Gays Bill,” which was voided by the Court because Parliament lacked a quorum, after it was signed into law by President Yoweri Museveni, may be headed back for another toss around, bringing enhanced danger to Uganda’s LGBTQI community and political points to the … More Uganda Wants to kill the Gays Again - read MORE

SCOTUS Cases Could Dictate Global Harm to LGBTQI Communities

October 8, 2019

When all is said and done there could not be a more serious moment in the lives of LGBTQI Americans and their families – and also for the entire LGBTI world. Any form of inequality or diminishing of our community will serve to justify and hence dictate further global marginalization for all LGBTQI communities. If … More SCOTUS Cases Could Dictate Global Harm to LGBTQI Communities read MORE

Can Gay Man’s Murder in Uganda be Linked to Security Minister’s TV Scapegoating of LGBTI People

October 5, 2019

When government officials in a place like Uganda, or anywhere for that matter, accuse Gay people of having an agenda as terrorists, they must be held responsible for the violence that will follow. Sadly a member of Uganda’s gay community was hacked in a brutal assault by a homophobic straight person, using a hoe to his … More Can Gay Man’s Murder in Uganda be Linked to Security Minister’s TV Scapegoating of LGBTI People -read MORE

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